Creating positive contexts of reception: The value of immigrant teachers in U.S. early childhood education programs
Jennifer Adair
A critical policy analysis of Texas’ Closing the Gaps 2015
Katherine Cumings Mansfield, Stefani Leigh Thachik
An empirical test of Oklahoma’s A-F grades
Curtis Adams, Patrick B. Forysth, Jordan K. Ware, Mwarumba Mwavita, Laura L. Barnes, Jam Khojasteh
Widening the gap: Unequal distribution of resources for K–12 science instruction
P. Sean Smith, Peggy J. Trygstad, Eric R. Banilower
Politics of policy: Assessing the implementation, impact, and evolution of the Performance Assessment for California Teachers (PACT) and edTPA
Emilie Mitescu Reagan, Thomas Schram, Kathryn McCurdy, Te-Hsin Chang, Carla M. Evans
Emilia Moreno Sánchez, Carmen Márquez Vázquez
The Emergence of High-Stakes Accountability Policies in Teacher Preparation: An Examination of the U.S. Department of Education’s Proposed Regulations
María Teresa Tatto, Corey Savage, Wei Liao, Stefanie L. Marshall, Paul Goldblatt, Leonardo M. Contreras
Opting out: Parents creating contested spaces to challenge standardized tests
Dana Mitra, Bryan Mann, Mark Hlavacik
Jason Giersch, Martha Cecilia Bottia, Roslyn Arlin Mickelson, Elizabeth Stearns
A preliminary analysis of California’s New Local Control Funding Formula
Rebecca Wolf, Janelle Sands
Breakers, benders, and obeyers: Inquiring into teacher educators’ mediation of edTPA
Andrew R. Ratner, Joni S. Kolman
Inclusive education’s promises and trajectories: Critical notes about future research on a venerable idea
Alfredo J. Artiles, Elizabeth B. Kozleski
Why theory matters: An examination of contemporary learning time reforms
Daniela K. DiGiacomo, Joshua J. Prudhomme, Hannah R. Jones, Kevin G. Welner, Ben Kirshner
No Child Left Behind: A postmortem for Illinois
Wm. Gregory Harman, Camille Boden, Jeremy Karpenski, Nicole Muchowicz
Impact on student learning: National Board Certified Teachers’ perspectives
Teresa M. Petty, Amy J. Good, Laura K. Handler
“Community Aware” education policy: Enhancing individual and community vitality
Hope Casto, Brian Mcgrath, John W. Sipple, Liz Todd
A case for competencies: Assessing the value of trait-based performance appraisal for non-faculty university employees
Emily A Messa, Catherine L. Horn, Teri Elkins Longacre, F. Richard Olenchak, Lisa M. Penney
“Stay with your words”: Indigenous youth, local policy, and the work of language fortification
Elizabeth Sumida Huaman, Nathan D. Martin, Carnell T. Chosa
Exploring quality programs for English language learners in charter schools: A framework to guide future research
Peggie Garcia, P. Zitlali Morales
Local control in the era of accountability: A case study of Wisconsin preK
Elizabeth Graue, Bethany Wilinski, Amato Nocera
Insights on how to shape teacher learning policy: The role of teacher content knowledge in explaining differential effects of professional development
Elizabeth Covay Minor, Laura Desimone, Jade Caines Lee, Eric D. Hochberg
Desafios históricos da inclusão: Características institucionais de duas novas universidades federais brasileiras
Eduardo Santos, Tiago Manuel Tavares Sousa
Produção científica em MOOCs no contexto do ensino superior: Uma abordagem de análise de redes sociais
Dora Simões
The presidential platform on twenty-first century education goals
Ariel Tichnor Wagner, Allison Rose Socol