The tactics of consumer resistance: Group action and marketplace exit
Robert O. Herrmann
págs. 130-134
A comparison of three behavioral intention models: The case of Valentine's day gift-giving
J. Craig Andrews, Richard G. Netemeyer
págs. 135-141
págs. 142-148
A hybrid conjoint model with individual-level interaction estimation
Paul E. Green, Abba M. Krieger
págs. 149-154
Does humor in advertising enhance systematic processing?
Stephen M. Smith
págs. 155-158
Physical attractiveness and personality in advertising: More than just a pretty face?
Anne M. Brumbaugh
págs. 159-164
Effects of advertising and experience on brand judgments: A rose by any other frame
Alice A. Wright, Richard J. Lutz
págs. 165-169
Comments on `advertising issues'
Surendra N. Singh
págs. 170-171
Opportunities for consumer researchers in third world food and nutrition development efforts
Eric J. Arnould
págs. 172-175
Adolescent participation in hazardous activities: Identifying high risk groups and implications
William J. Burns
pág. 176
Adolescents perception of risk: Understanding and preventing high risk behavior
Herbert H. Severson, Paul Slovic
págs. 177-182
Alcohol-related risk taking among teenagers: An investigation of contributing factors and a
William J. Burns, Sarah E. Hampson
págs. 183-187
Consumer behavior processes as bases to segment the `green' marketplace: Applications to solid
Linda F. Alwitt, Ida E. Berger
pág. 188
Understanding the link between environmental attitudes and consumer product usage: Measuring the
Linda F. Alwitt, Ida E. Berger
págs. 189-194
pág. 195
How do consumers acquire a new food consumption system when it is vegetarian?
Susan Schultz Kleine, Amy R. Hubbert
págs. 196-201
Do market mavens categorize brands differently?
Michael T. Elliott, Anne E. Warfield
págs. 202-208
The effect of familiarity on consumers' choice agendas
Noreen M. Klein, Judy A. Wagner
págs. 209-214
págs. 215-218
págs. 219-223
págs. 224-228
págs. 229-231
Vesting objects and experiences with symbolic meaning
Robert F. Kelly
págs. 232-234
págs. 235-238
Implications of a recognitional decision model for consumer behavior
Caroline E. Zsambock
págs. 239-244
The vulnerable consumer in the high blood pressure drug market: Bothered but satisfied?
Dev S. Pathak, Suzan Kucukarslan
págs. 245-252
A preliminary examination of the effects of context-induced felt ethnicity on advertising
Tiffany Galvin, David B. Wooten
págs. 253-256
Age and social activity as correlates of television orientation: A replication and extension
Rose L. Johnson
págs. 257-261
Emerging issues in demographic research
Marilyn Young Jones
págs. 262-264
What causes youths to start smoking? Converging quantitative and qualitative evidence on the role
Tom Novak, Cornelia (Connie) Pechmann
pág. 265