págs. 647-653
pág. 654
Brand name memory following ad exposure: Inhibition, interference and attenuation processes as
Carol Pluzinski, Shanker Krishnan
pág. 655
Leaving it all behind: Service loyalties in transition
Linda L. Price, Robin A. Higie
págs. 656-661
Attitudes, advertising, and automobiles: A functional approach
Mark P. Zanna, Richard Ennis
págs. 662-666
Valenced emotions in satisfaction: A look at affect in shopping
Mai Neo, Audrey J. Murrell
págs. 667-672
págs. 673-677
Country-of-origin, perceived risk and evaluation strategy
Dana L. Alden, Wayne D. Hoyer
págs. 678-683
The roles of country of origin information on buyers' product evaluations: Signal or attribute?
Wai-Kwan Li, Kwok Leung
págs. 684-689
Comments of evolving country of origin research
Carl Obermiller
págs. 690-691
An extended perspective on the role of emotion in advertising processing
Hyongh Cho, Patricia A. Stout
págs. 692-697
Poisoning the well: Do environmental claims strain consumer credulity?
Robert N. Mayer, Debra L. Scammon
págs. 698-703
Spokesperson effects in high involvement markets
David L. Mothersbaugh, Timothy B. Heath
págs. 704-708
The consumption of insignificant rituals: A look at debutante balls
Jennifer Edson Escalas
págs. 709-716