Madrid, España
Ciudad Real, España
A crise financeira recente provocou unha importante transformación dos sistemas financeiros nacionais, en especial, no que se refire ao protagonismo dalgúns grupos institucionais tradicionalmente importantes. É o caso do sector das caixas de aforros en España, o cal viuse afectado de forma moi significativa, e por enriba do acontecido noutros grupos institucionais, polas tempestades financeiras dos últimos anos.
Coñecer os cambios que se produciron neste importante sector do noso país, tanto a nivel estrutural como de operativa e de presenza no territorio nacional, e tratar de buscar o seu paralelismo cos doutros países nos que estas entidades teñen unha maior relevancia son os obxectivos perseguidos por este traballo.
The recent financial crisis has caused an important transformation of the national financial systems and especially in those that refer to the prominence of some traditionally important institutional groups. This is the case of the saving banks sector in Spain which has been affected in a very significant way and because of what has occurred in other institutional groups by the financial storms in the last few years. This essay is aimed at understanding the changes that have been produced in this important sector of our country, both in a structural level and an operational one, and at the national level, and trying to draw a parallel between those in other countries in which these entities have a major relevance.