págs. 399-418
Pascale Vielle, Jean-Michel Bonvin
págs. 419-433
Marius R. Busemeyer, Christian Kellermann, Alexander Petring, Andrej Stuchlík
págs. 435-452
Understanding the European Works Council deficit in German multinationals
Michael Whittall, Stefan Lücking, Rainer Trinczek
págs. 453-467
Job advertisements and personal networks: two specific channels in the Spanish labour market
Géraldine Rieucau
págs. 469-480
págs. 481-482
France: changes in the rules governing representativeness of trade unions and collective bargaining
Jean-Yves Boulin
págs. 482-486
Jan Cremers
págs. 486-491
Towards a European Labour Identity. The case of the European Work Council
Romuald Jagodzinski
págs. 492-496
Strikes around the World: 1968-2005
Lorenzo Bordogna
págs. 497-500
Trade union responses to globalization. A review by the Global Union Research Network
Michael Fichter
págs. 500-503
European Unions. Labor's Quest for a Transnational Democracy
Valeria Pulignano
págs. 503-506
Human Resource Management - Ethics and Employment
Thomas Klikauer
págs. 506-508
Competing Claims in Work and Family Life
Síle O'Dorchai
págs. 509-513
págs. 513-515
págs. 515-519
7th European Meeting of Employee Ownership in Brussels - new research findings presented
Stefan Stracke
págs. 521-525
EWCs back on the European agenda 'Managers' role in EWCs': CEC European Managers conference Toulouse, 5-6 June 2008 and 'On the offensive for stronger European Works Councils': ETUC and Hans-Böckler-Stiftung conference Brussels, 9-10 June 2008
Romuald Jagodzinski
págs. 526-530