Is Consumer Behavior Different?
Valerie S. Folkes
págs. 1-4
pág. 1
pág. 1
págs. 5-6
The Effects of Goals on Consumer Choice
Nathan Novemsky
pág. 5
págs. 8-9
págs. 8-10
pág. 8
págs. 11-18
The Masculine Hegemony in Sports: Is Golf for "Ladies"?
Lee McGinnis, James W. Gentry
págs. 19-24
Symbols for Sale ... at Least for Now: Symbolic Consumption in Transition Economies
H. Stanley Hart, Kathleen S. Micken, Irvine Clarke III
págs. 25-30
págs. 31-35
Brand as a Relationship Partner: Gender Differences in Perspectives
Alokparna Basu Monga
págs. 36-41
Allison R. Johnson, Matthew Thomson
pág. 42
Steven M. Kates
pág. 43
págs. 44-45
Telling the Difference: Consumer Evaluations of Authentic and Inauthentic Market Offerings
Kent Grayson
pág. 44
pág. 45
Beyond Broad Cross-Cultural Classifications: Implications for Understanding Consumer Responses
Sharon Shavitt, Julie Ann Lee
pág. 46
págs. 47-48
pág. 47
Michael A. Callow, Leon G. Schiffman
pág. 49
The Role of Humor in the Persuasion of Individuals Varying in Need for Cognition
Maggie Geuens, Patrick De Pelsmacker
págs. 50-56
Michel Wedel, Rik G.M. Pieters, Josephine L.C.M. Woltman Elpers
págs. 57-58
págs. 59-60
Relative Salience in Consumer Decisions
France Leclerc
pág. 59
págs. 60-61
pág. 60
Robert V. Kozinets
págs. 62-64
pág. 62