El objetivo del artículo es analizar laeficiencia académica enla carrera de Agronomía de laUniversidad de Ciego de Ávila Máximo Gómez Báez en los cursos 2011-2012 hasta el 2017-2018); se emplearon los métodos deeficiencia verticaly eficiencia académica decicloa partir de los datos de los archivos de la secretaría docente de la Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuariasy de entrevistas a profesores y estudiantes. El número de bajas enlos dos primeros cursos analizadosmostró los menores valores en el total y en cada tipología,la deserción comenzó a manifestarse en mayor medida a partir del curso13-14.Se determinaron los factores que inciden en la eficiencia académicade la carrera de Agronomía.
An assessment was carried out in the Agronomy Major of Máximo Gómez Báez University of Ciego de Avilathat included the courses 2011-2012 until 2017-2018, with the aim of determining pedagogical efficiency based on dropouts, and applying vertical efficiency and academic cycle efficiencymethods, as well as interview to professors and students. Data were taken from the archives of the teaching secretariat of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences: dropoutsper academic year and course, types of dropouts, as well as promotion by academic year. The number of dropoutsin the first two courses analyzed showed the lowest values in the total and in each typology, the desertion began to manifest more from the course13-14. The average vertical efficiency and academic efficiency stabilized in the last three courses.Other factors that determine the pedagogical efficiency of Agronomy Major were determined.