La publicidad en pro de su fin económico y comercial sigue empleando, creando y difundiendo estereotipos femeninos disfuncionales y patriarcales, amparados en actitudes, comportamientos y patrones corporales restrictivos, que históricamente se han atribuido y asociado a las féminas para pautar, diferenciar y someter el universo de éstas al masculino. Unos estereotipos de género erigidos sobre caracteres emocionales o conductuales, como su constante feminidad, su abocada seducción, su falsa seguridad amparada en su fugaz belleza, la pasividad que la rodea y de la que se nutre, su activo narcisismo, su constante infantilización en pro de la negación de su madurez y de la vejez, su acentuada debilidad marcada por cuerpos carentes de musculatura y extremadamente delgados, o su incipiente andrógina en la que se alaban los valores masculinos. Todos estos caracteres emocionales o conductuales, que imprimen personalidad a las modelos y conforman el universo femenino, que se inmiscuyen e instauran en el contexto contemporáneo a través de la publicidad, vienen sustentados por cuerpos que presentan patrones corporales estrictos, PCE: talla ≤36, altura ≥170 cm. y somatotipo ectoformo, en los que impera la belleza y la juventud, y que han marcado y oprimido a la mujer fuera y dentro de los medios comunicacionales. Un hecho que la mujer real y actual es capaz de percibir e identificar claramente y con el que no se muestra conforme.
Advertising in favor of its economic and commercial purpose continues to employ, creating and disseminating dysfunctional and patriarchal female stereotypes, protected by attitudes, behaviors and restrictive corporal patterns, which historically have been attributed and associated with females to guide, differentiate and subdue the universe from these to the masculine. Gender stereotypes erected on emotional or behavioral characters, such as her constant femininity, her doomed seduction, her false security protected by her fleeting beauty, the passivity that surrounds her and from which she feeds, her active narcissism, her constant infantilization in favor of of the denial of their maturity and old age, their marked weakness marked by bodies lacking in muscle and extremely thin, or their incipient androgynous in which masculine values are praised. All these emotional or behavioral characters, which imprint personality on the models and they make up the feminine universe, which interfere and establish themselves in the contemporary context through advertising, they are sustained by bodies that present strict corporal patterns, PCE: size ≤36, height ≥1.70 cm. and ectoform somatotype, in which beauty and youth prevail, and which have marked and oppressed women outside and within the media. A fact that the real and current woman is able to perceive and identify clearly and with which she does not agree.