Se analiza la producción publicitaria de tres profesionales directamente vinculados con las Primeras Vanguardias artísticas del siglo XX: Alekxandr Ródchenko, Fortunato Depero y A. M. Cassandre. Artistas-publicistas que se nutren de las experimentaciones plásticas vanguardistas persiguiendo tres objetivos diferentes: social, autopromocional y puramente comercial. El objetivo es demostrar la intensa y fecunda circulación de ideas visuales que se dio entre arte y publicidad durante la primera mitad del siglo XX, construyendo un pilar más del puente que las une
This article analyzes the advertising work of three professionals intimately related to the Avant-garde 20th century artistic movements: Alekxandr Ródchenko, Fortunato Depero and A. M. Cassandre. These three artists-advertisers received nourishment of the artistic experiences of their time, but each one pursued a different aim: social, self-promotion and strictly commercial. This article main aim is to demonstrate the intense exchange of visual ideas which came about during the first half of the 20th century between art and advertising and which strengthened its relation