Web 2.0 as a new channel for innovation diffusion: The case study of renewable energy products
Rim Gharbi Mrabet
págs. 1-10
Open Innovation: A New Mechanism For Adoption Of Organizational Innovation Empirical Evidence From Algerian Companies
Khayra Aichouche, Rafika Bousalem
págs. 11-22
Conceptualization and theorization of the Big Data
Marcos Mazzieri, Eduardo Dantas Soares
págs. 23-41
Sustainable practices and eco-innovations adopted by industrial companies
Simone Sehnem, Fábio Lazzarotti, Fernando Fantoni Bencke
págs. 42-58
Managing Risks and Stakeholders in the Design of a new Financial Product
Luciano Quinto Lanz, Patricia Amelia Tomei
págs. 59-70
Business Incubation as an Instrument of Innovation: The Experience of South America and the Caribbean
Haven Allahar, Candace Brathwaite
págs. 71-85
Performance concept through a Service-Dominant Logic in Tunisian manufacturing companies
Nejla Kerfai, Bahia Bejar Ghadhab
págs. 86-96
Patterns of Technological Innovation: A Comparative Analysis between Low-tech and High-tech Industries in Brazil
Raimundo Eduardo Silveira Fontenele, José Ednilson Oliveira Cabral, Sérgio Henrique Arruda Cavalcante Forte, Maria da Penha Braga Costa
págs. 97-105
Rodrigo Arraes Alvarenga
págs. 106-118
Imitação e Inovação na Moda: Mapeando o Processo Criativo no Segmento de "Modinha" em uma Feira Regional
Thalita Silva Calíope, José Carlos Lázaro da Silva Filho
págs. 119-139
The Creative Economy on the Environmental of the Technological Parks and Incubators
Ekaterina Emmanuil Inglesis Barcellos, Galdenoro Botura Júnior, Claudia Marcela Sanz Ramírez
págs. 140-154
Creation of Organizational Knowledge on the Basis Von Krogh, Nonaka and Ichijo Capacitors: A Case Study in the Grange Df Pork Company
Elisângela Freitas da Silva, Frederico Cesar Mafra Pereira, Eloísa Helena Guimarães Rodrigues
págs. 155-172