Deciding whether a law is constitutional, interpretable, or unconstitutional
Pablo Amorós González, Ricardo Martínez Rico, Bernardo Moreno Jiménez , María Socorro Puy Segura
págs. 1-14
Preferences, actions and voting rules
Alaitz Artabe Echevarria, Annick Laruelle , Federico Valenciano Llovera
págs. 15-28
The division problem with maximal capacity constraints
Gustavo Bergantiños Cid, Jordi Massó, Alejandro Neme
págs. 29-57
págs. 59-72
págs. 73-93
págs. 95-109
Cost effectiveness of a combination of instruments for global warming: a quantitative approach for Spain
María del Carmen Gallastegui Zulaica , M. González Eguino, Ibon Galarraga
págs. 111-132
Equal opportunity equivalence in land division
Antonio Nicolò, Andrés Perea Monsuwé, Paolo Roberti
págs. 133-142
On the impact of independence of irrelevant alternatives: the case of two-person NTU games
Bezalel Peleg, Peter Sudhölter, Universidad del País Vasco - Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea
págs. 143-156
Optimism and commitment: an elementary theory of bargaining and war
Clara Ponsatí Obiols, Santiago Sánchez Pagés
págs. 157-179
The political economy of income taxation under asymmetric information: the two-type case
John E. Roemer
págs. 181-199
págs. 201-207
Freedom of choice: John Stuart Mill and the tree of life
Jorge Alcalde Unzu, Miguel A. Ballester, Jorge Nieto Vázquez
págs. 209-226
An axiomatic analysis of ranking sets under simple categorization
José C.R. Alcantud, Ricardo Arlegi Pérez
págs. 227-245
Revealed preference and choice under uncertainty
Walter Bossert, Kotaro Suzumura
págs. 247-258
págs. 259-271
Anarchism, postmodernism and realism under confirmatory bias
Juan Urrutia Elejalde
págs. 273-290
págs. 291-310