Second-order effects plus pan-European political swings: An analysis of European Parliament elections across time
Simon Hix, Michael Marsh
págs. 4-15
Individual and contextual variation in EU issue voting: The role of political information
Catherine E. de Vries, Wouter van der Brug, Marcel H. van Egmond, Cees van der Eijk
págs. 16-28
The second-order election model revisited: An experimental test of vote choices in European Parliament elections
Sara Binzer Hobolt, Jill Wittrock
págs. 29-40
Party contestation and Europe on the news agenda: The 2009 European Parliamentary Elections
Andreas R.T. Schuck, Georgios Xezonakis, Matthijs Elenbaas, Susan Banducci, Claes H. de Vreese
págs. 41-52
Campaigning on an upper level?: Individual campaigning in the 2009 European Parliament elections in its determinants
Heiko Giebler, Andreas M. Wüst
págs. 53-66
The legacy of lethargy: How elections to the European Parliament depress turnout
Mark N. Franklin, Sara B. Hobolt
págs. 67-76
Optimists and skeptics: Why do people believe in the value of their single vote?
André Blais, Ludovic Rheault
págs. 77-82
Which democracies prosper?: Electoral rules, form of government and economic growth
Carl Henrik Knutsen
págs. 83-90
How do candidates spend their money?: Objects of campaign spending and the effectiveness of diversification
Maria Laura Sudulich, Matthew Wall
págs. 91-101
págs. 102-113
Party system dynamics in post-war Japan: A quantitative content analysis of electoral pledges
Sven-Oliver Proksch, Jonathan B. Slapin, Michael F. Thies
págs. 114-124
The continued salience of religious voting in the United States, Germany, and Great Britain
Christopher D. Raymond
págs. 125-135
Analyzing partisanship in Central Mexico: A geographical approach
Manuel Suárez, Irina Alberro
págs. 136-147
When do you follow the (national) leader?: Party switching by subnational legislators in Japan
Caitlin Milazzo, Ethan Scheiner
págs. 148-161
Do voters affect or elect policies?: A new perspective, with evidence from the U.S. Senate
David Albouy
págs. 162-173
Measuring party positions and issue salience from media coverage: Discussing and cross-validating new indicators
Marc Helbling, Anke Tresch
págs. 174-183
Attitudes to voting rules and electoral system preferences: Evidence from the 1999 and 2003 Scottish Parliament elections
John Curtice, Ben Seyd
págs. 184-200
Small changes, big results: Legislative voting behavior in the presence of new voters
Anthony M. Bertelli, Jamie L. Carson
págs. 201-209
The dynamic properties of individual-level party identification in the United States
Brandon L. Bartels, Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier, Corwin D. Smidt, Renée M. Smith
págs. 210-222