The functional and developmental organization of cognitive developmental sequences
L. Kyriakides, A. Demetriou
págs. 209-242
págs. 243-258
The effects of different forms of feedback on fuzzy and verbatim memory of science principles
R. B. Clariana
págs. 259-270
págs. 271-288
R. Pekrun, T. Goetz
págs. 289-308
págs. 309-332
Reading errors in first- and second-grade readers of a shallow orthography: Evidence from Spanish
E. Goikoetxea
págs. 333-350
págs. 351-368
K. J. Lindner, C. H. P. Sit
págs. 369-384
B. G. Heubeck, G. W. Lauth
págs. 385-404
Confirmatory factor analysis of the Approaches to Teaching Inventory
M. Prosser, K. Trigwell
págs. 405-420