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Normas de estilo de publicación en Revista de Estudios Europeos

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Normas de Estilo de la Publicación

[8-01-2020] []

Instructions for authors:

1. The papers must have not been published in another journal and should be sent to the address.

2. The word count should be shorter than 10,000 words (around 40 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 points font). Footnotes will be used sparely.

3. The first page must include the title, authors’ name and affiliation, at least four keywords, and an abstract of less than 200 words (both in English and in Spanish).

4. Section headers are left-justified with Arabic numerals. Only the first word is capitalized. Sub-headers should be (1.1, 1.1.1) etc.

5. The list of references must be alphabetically ordered. Authors must check the consistency between citations in text and the final references.

5.1. Book references: Allen, F. and Gale, D. (2001): Comparing financial systems. MIT Press. Cambridge.

5.2. Paper references: Berglof, E., and Bolton, P. (2002): “The great divide and beyond: Financial architecture in transition”. Journal of Economic Perspectives 16(1), 77-100.

5.3. Book chapter references: Munari, F. and Sobrero, M. (2003): “Corporate governance and innovation”. In M. Calderini, P. Garrone, and M. Sobrero (Eds.) Corporate Governance and Market Structure and Innovation. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham, pp. 3-27.

6. The authors will receive acknowledge of receipt. The paper will be blind-reviewed and the decision will be notified to the authors.

7. Book reviews will appear in the section “Book list”. Only the reviews asked by the editorial committee will be published.

8. Any question can be asked to the address.

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