La realidad Global-Local demanda el reconocimiento de los Derechos Humanos como un orden natural que responde a un conjunto de características individuales y colectivas; en reflejo de la consciencia esencial del Ser Humano en la amplitud de su complejidad y en atención al momento histórico espacio temporal que enmarca su desarrollo en el seno de la diversidad y la pluralidad de paradigmas socializantes en procura de gobernabilidad; y en reconocimiento de la sociabilidad y politicidad que le caracterizan.The Global-Local reality demands the recognition of human rights as a natural order that meets a set of individual and collective characteristics; in reflection of the essential consciousness of the Human Being in the breadth of its complexity and attention to historic moment temporary space that frames its development within the diversity and plurality of socialistic paradigms in pursuit of governance; and in recognition of sociability and politicization that characterize it.
The Global-Local reality demands the recognition of human rights as a natural order that meets a set of individual and collective characteristics; in reflection of the essential consciousness of the Human Being in the breadth of its complexity and attention to historic moment temporary space that frames its development within the diversity and plurality of socialistic paradigms in pursuit of governance; and in recognition of sociability and politicization that characterize it.