Hameed Salim Alkaabi, Belqis Nagy Aajeel, Mujahid Mutlaq Abdul Rahman
Purpose: The current paper aims to reach to verify the existence of the impact of strategic implementation practices and emotional intelligence in the entrepreneurial orientation of the University of Information and Communication Technology in Baghdad.
Theoretical Framework: The main purpose of the theoretical framework is to identify all dimensions and variables of strategy implementation practices, entrepreneurship, and emotional intelligence, and thus form a deep scientific vision of the study and its variables.
Design/Methodology/Approach: The main tool was to distribute a questionnaire to a sample of (50) of the advanced, intermediate and lower leadership cadres in order to conduct statistical analysis according to the (SPSS v25) program on it.
Findings: The results of the statistical analysis of the data that there is an impact relationship between the implementation of the strategy by its exclusion (stakeholder participation, resource mobilization, knowledge development, and culture management), in the entrepreneurial orientation, which confirms that the leadership of the organization in question depends clearly on its capabilities in the correct implementation of the strategies formulated by it.
Research, Practical & Social Implications: Three basic variables used in the paper fore dimension used to implementation practices, fore dimensions used for emotional intelligence and one dimension for entrepreneurial orientation.
Originality/Value: The contribution of the paper lies in the possibility of implementing Strategies that serve organizations in formulating their entrepreneurial orientation, whose reflection contributes to the success of the research community directly or through different concepts such as emotional intelligence.