Lola Kurnia Pitaloka, Grace Natalia Marpaung, Saringatun Mudrikah
Purpose: This study aims to see that new literacy in this global era can influence regional economic development in the digital era through creative economy actors. The focus of the new literacy of the current digital era is data literacy, technological literacy, and human literacy.
Theoretical framework: This research takes the Theory of Planned Behavior which is based on the research of Juergens (2020), Claes and Philippette (2020), and Sander (2020), who stated that the behavior of creative economy actors in the digital era had been based on new literacy that has developed, namely data, technology, and humans. The ability of creative economy actors to control new literacy can impact economic developers in each region.
Design/Methodology/Approach: This study uses an exploratory quantitative approach because it wants to see advanced phenomena that each variable cannot explain. The population in this study is very large because it covers all creative economy actors in Indonesia. The sample was calculated using Slovin with a tolerance of 10%, and a sample of 374 perpetrators was obtained. The sampling technique is random sampling, with the data collection technique being a questionnaire that is analyzed using the Structural Equation Model test with the help of WarpPLS as an analytical tool.
Findings: This study reveals that the three new literacies affect regional economic development because those three new literacies can increase the progress of creative economics in the digital economy era. However, they have weak significance; the unconsciousness of creative economy actors indicates this to participate in developing their area. The government must make appropriate policies to increase new literacy for creative economy actors to increase regional development through the creative economy.
Research, practical & social implication: This research is expected to be a recommendation material that benefits regional development and can primarily be implemented to develop creative economics actors who have an important meaning in regional economics.
Originality/Value: This research focuses on new literacy that has developed rapidly in the global era to survive in the digital age. Data literacy, technology, and humans are taken as variables that had never existed before and applied to regional creative economy actors.