Purpose: This study aims to examine the financial technology and Bandura’s social learning of Alabio Duck Farmers to support food security and realizing the business sustainability Design/methodology/approach: Garfinkle Ethnometodology Methods is done by data triangulation and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to reveal the regeneration breeding business and the implementation of financial technology concept.
Findings: The alabio duck breeders community in North Hulu Sungai District understand and apply the financial technology. The management regeneration is done by directly invites their children and nephews to cultivate alabio duck and taught it like in the Bandura social learning method and indirectly has supported the food security and economic resilience program in South Kalimantan.
Research limitations/implications: This research is done at duck breeder community in North Hulu Sungai District . It has limitation of small samples.
Practical implications: Related government agencies should give counseling or training activities in financial technology, including the training in simple financial reporting for alabio duck farmers in North Hulu Sungai District to make the details of their financial position.
Social Implications: This research is is consistent with Albert Bandura's social learning. Management regeneration of Alabio farmers indirectly support the program of food security of the community and national economy.
Originality/value: The alabio duck breeders community in North Hulu Sungai District is not researched by the previous researcher. This is the first research to increase the comprehension and implementation of financial technology to compete with other duck breeders at local level in South Kalimantan and outside the Kalimantan Island.