José María Martín Moreno, Rodrigo Cerviño Rodríguez
A posta en marcha da Lei 9/2017, de 8 de novembro, de contratos do sector público (LCSP), que entrou en vigor o día 9 de marzo de 2018, impuxo un gran cambio para as universidades españolas e, polo tanto, para as tres universidades públicas do Sistema Universitario de Galicia (SUG). Posteriormente, a Lei de orzamentos xerais do Estado para o ano 2018 introduciu certa flexibilidade á hora de relaxar o devandito control dos límites para as Administracións Públicas que realizan actividades dedicadas á investigación. O obxectivo que se pretende con este traballo é mostrar as diferentes decisións que se tomaron nas tres universidades públicas do SUG para analizar o impacto desas resolucións na contratación menor, así como unha comparativa co resto de universidades presentes na Conferencia de Reitores das Universidades Españolas (CRUE).
The implementation of Contract Law 9/2017 of 8th November on Public Sector Contracts (LCSP), effective from 9th March 2018, imposed a great change for Spanish universities and, thus, for the three SUG public universities. Subsequently, the General State Budget Law for 2018 allowed a certain flexibility, easing this limit control for public administrations carrying out research activities. This article aims to show the different decisions taken by the three SUG public universities, analyze their impact on minor contracts, and compare them to those of the rest of the CRUE universities.The implementation of Contract Law 9/2017 of 8th November on Public Sector Contracts (LCSP), effective from 9th March 2018, imposed a great change for Spanish universities and, thus, for the three SUG public universities. Subsequently, the General State Budget Law for 2018 allowed a certain flexibility, easing this limit control for public administrations carrying out research activities. This article aims to show the different decisions taken by the three SUG public universities, analyze their impact on minor contracts, and compare them to those of the rest of the CRUE universities.