Antonio Sánchez Bayón , Estrella Trincado Aznar
This paper is an analytical-empirical review of the evolution of Spanish Business Schools and how they have been affected by the accreditation system. This system has made it possible for the Spanish Business Schools to rank among the best (10 of them are in the World top-25 and 4 have been accredited with the triple crown, which is the highest distinction). However, it has also led to the denaturalization of the Business Schools (B-Schools), which have been “devoured” by the Schools of Economics and Business at universities. In addition, the accreditation system has entailed an increase in costs (opportunity, marginal, sunk costs and so on). An explanation of the Spanish B-Schools paradox is offered in the article: the more accreditations achieved, the more difficult it is to maintain them, due to contradictions in the compliance regulation and to the difficulty in updating academic programmes since their success and assimilation into the welfare state economy is a risk for B-Schools and their adaptation to digital economy. Finally, the paper gives some keys to correct the problem detected and thus to adapt B-Schools to the emerging wellbeing economics, a new stage of the digital economy
Trátase dun artigo analítico-empírico sobre economía institucional que realiza un balance do desenvolvemento das escolas de negocios en España e de como lles afectou o sistema de acreditacións. Aclárase como o sistema de acreditacións, aínda que serviu para situar ás escolas de negocios entre as mellores (10 delas no top 25 mundial e 4 acreditadas coa tripre coroa, que é a máxima distinción), tamén provocou a súa desnaturalización ao confundirse coas facultades de economía e empresa, ademais de aumentar os custos (oportunidade, marxinais, afundidos, etcétera). Tamén se explica en que consiste o paradoxo das escolas de negocios españolas: cantas máis acreditacións se acadan, máis difícil é mantelas debido ás contradicións no seu cumprimento normativo e á dificultade para actualizar os programas académicos), xa que o seu éxito para a economía do benestar pode ser o risco para a economía dixital. O estudo ofrece algunhas claves para corrixir o problema detectado e así adaptar as escolas de negocios á economía emerxente do benestar persoal, unha nova etapa da economía dixital.