La excepción por inseguridad (también se denomina como la excepción por incertidumbre) es una regla importante en materia de incumplimiento de la prestación contractual en el Derecho civil continental, que está contenida en el Derecho chino. Como veremos a continuación, existen otras figuras afines: en particular, la "exceptio non adimpleti contractus" y el incumplimiento anticipado, que conviene contrastar pues responden a distintos supùestos y tienen diversas consecuencias jurídicas.
In Chinese Contract Law, the defense of insecurity is an important legal system governing remedies for prospective non-performance, this system also exists in other countries of the civil law. Besides the defense of insecurity, there are other similar system governing remedies for prospective non-performance: the "excepio non adimpleti contractus" and the anticipatory breach. Since they have some similaities in the requirements for their application and legal effects, it is worth making an effort to clarify their relationship. This article shows the distinction between these systems.