Karina Noelia Hendrie Kupczyszyn, María del Carmen Bastacini
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el proceso de autorregulación académica en estudiantado universitario, según las estrategias de aprendizaje, emociones y creencias motivacionales percibidas por este. Se desarrolló un estudio de tipo empírico, cuantitativo, ex post facto. La muestra estuvo constituida por 83 estudiantes de universidad del primer año de la carrera de Psicología de Corrientes, Argentina. Se aplicaron tres instrumentos de medición para evaluar en una primera instancia la motivación y emociones de cada estudiante antes y después de efectuar una tarea determinada y en un segundo momento las estrategias de aprendizaje percibidas. En función de los objetivos y teniendo en cuenta las variables y sus dimensiones, se ejecutaron ANOVAS de un factor y MANOVAS para el análisis de datos. En los resultados obtenidos, se encontraron diferencias significativas en la ansiedad del estudiantado según el sexo y la edad, y la concentración para cumplir una tarea según el sexo. También se observaron diferencias significativas en la tarea elaborada según el procesamiento de información del alumnado, la competencia subjetiva percibida y la emoción centrada en el resultado que este presentó. The importance of student self-regulation was observed which is consistent with the reviewed literature. Self-regulation was perceived as leading to the attainment of goals via the cognitive and emotional pathways. Future research recommendations include increasing the sample size as well as including other variables to obtain a broader picture of the self-regulation process.
The objective of this study was to analyze academic self-regulation among university students based on their learning strategies, emotions and motivational thoughts, attained through this quantitative, ex post facto study. The sample group included 83 first-year Psychology majors in the city of Corrientes, Argentina. The students responded to questionnaires to assess student motivation and emotions before and after performing a specific task and to determine perceived learning strategies. A one-way ANOVA was conducted as well as a MANOVAS for data analysis based on the objectives, variables and its dimensions. Results reveal significant differences regarding student anxiety based on sex and age as well as the amount of concentration required to perform a task, according to sex. Variances were also observed in the average scores for the task according to student information processing, that is, the subjective skill perceived to be required to perform the task and the emotion centered on student results. The importance of student self-regulation was observed which is consistent with the reviewed literature, leading to the attainment of goals via cognitive and emotional pathways. Future research recommendations include increasing the sample size as well as including other variables for a broader picture of the self-regulation process.