Succession planning and finding talent are considered as the most principle duties of managers in the organizations. Performing talent finding plans and succession planning for finding management talents in organizations should not cause educational investment barriers of employees who are valuable in their own job notwithstanding the lack of talent for suitable managerial career. In order to solve talent crisis, organizations pay their attentions more on the interior aspects of organizations and adapt succession planning which concentrate on the developing and fostering available talents. Historically, the most successful organizations in the aspect of performance perform long term investments on their employees. By investing on the time and cost for developing interior talents, such kind of organizations would be able to pass the crisis while retiring the main talents or voiding in any reason. The research investigates the effect of talent management on the succession planning and professional skills of employees. Methodology of the research is descriptive- analytic and as an applied one and context finding. Population of the research include 518 employees of social security organization. In order to analyze data we used spss 22 software. For analyzing the interior structure of the research questioner and understanding composition elements of each construct or variable, we used confirmatory factor analysis and for answering research hypotheses we applied linear and multiple regression. According to the results of the statistical tests of the research, all of the research hypotheses are supported. The results of the main hypotheses showed that talent management and professional skills of the employees have positive and direct (significant) effect on the succession planning of talented human force. The results of the research also rectify the effects of talented employees' selection on the succession planning and conserving talented employees on the succession planning.