El ensayo analiza las dificultades que se encuentran a la hora de exportar los principios del constitucionalismo donde la cultura «constitucional» es diferente a la occidental. Además de denunciar las contradicciones internas y el abandono de algunos principios clave que lo inspiraron (desde «no taxation without representation» a «fraternité»), y el ataque a la misma idea de constitución por parte del neoconstitucionalismo, se centra en las características de algunas concepciones del Derecho antitéticas al constitucionalismo, o que proponen diferentes axiologías de valores. En particular, señala que algunas experiencias recientes basadas en la constitucionalización de las tradiciones proponen soluciones compatibles con las occidentales, de las cuales acentúan algunas características latentes.
The article analyses the difficulties to export the principles of constitutionalismwhere «constitutional» culture is different from the Western one. In addition, it aims to underline internal contradictions and the abandonment of some key principles that inspired it (such as «no taxation without representation» to «fraternité»), as well as the attack on the core vaules of the constitution by the so called «neoconstitutionalism». It then focuses on the characteristics of some conceptions of the law that are deemed to be antithetical to constitutionalism, or that propose different axiologies of values. In particular, the study points out that some recent experiences based on the constitutionalisation of traditions do offer solutions compatible with the Western ones, by emphazising some latent features.Summary:1. Defining the relevant lexical items. — 1.1. «Law». — 1.2. «Constitution». — 1.3. «Constitutionalism».— 1.4. «Legal Culture» and «Constitutional Culture». — 2. Constitutionalising the Law. — 2.1. Civil codes; or: the «constitutions» of the bourgeois. — 2.2. Disseminating the constitutions and constitutionalism. — 2.3. Constitutionalism under siege: the challenges of neo-constitutionalism. —3. Incorporating Traditional Law: formal constitutionalism and its rejection. — 3.1. The resilience of legal traditions. — 3.2. Religious Law. — 3.2.1 Hindu Law. — 3.2.2.— Confucianism. — 3.2.3. Japanese Law. — 3.2.4. Islamic Law. — 3.3. Soviet Law. — 4. Cleavages between constitutionalism and culture. — 5. Law and culture: the legacy of their syncretism.