Johanna Alexandra Reina Barreto, Cristina Alexandra Criollo Espín, Karina Fernández-D'Andrea López-Cañizares
Existe una alta prevalencia de embarazos indeseados en jóvenes universitarias ecuatorianas. Esta investigación transversal de alcance correlacional se pregunta cómo ha sido posible conciliar ambos roles, de madre y universitaria, encontrando en el apoyo social percibido, la diferencia que permitió no abandonar sus estudios.A partir de una muestra caracterizada socio-demográficamente, se analiza el apoyo social percibido por 50 madres universitarias de la sierra ecuatoriana. Se encontró que el 80% del total de madres, inició la maternidad cursando estudios como consecuencia de embarazos no deseados. El 44,9% interrumpió los estudios por esta causa y el apoyo social fue el facilitador principal para continuar el doble rol, de madre y estudiante. Asimismo emergen diferencias significativas entre las solteras y las casadas/unidas respecto a todas las variables de estudio. Se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre haber contraído matrimonio a causa del embarazo y continuar casada así como la percepción de apoyo por la pareja y tiempo de acompañamiento en la maternidad. Los resultados evidencian la importancia de diseñar programas, con perspectiva de género, que faciliten la conciliación y minimicen el riesgo de deserción universitaria.
There is a high prevalence of undesired pregnancies among young Ecuadorian university students. This correlational cross-sectional research inquires how it has been possible to reconcile both roles, that of a mother and of a student. The findings show that the perceived social support marks the difference that allowed women not to abandon their studies.
Based on a sample, characterized socio-demographically, of 50 women who are both mothers and undergraduate college students in the central zone of Ecuador, the study analyzes the structural social support and the functional social support.
It was found that 80% of mothers started motherhood during the course of their studies and as a product of undesired pregnancies. 44.9% interrupted their studies due to undesired maternity and social support was the main factor which impulse them to continue the double role of mother and student. Significant differences also emerged between single and married/united women with respect to all the variables in the study. The chi-square reveals a statistically significant association between getting married as a result of pregnancy and staying married, and also between the perception of support of the partner and the time of accompaniment in maternity. The results showed the importance of designing specific programs with a gender perspective that facilitate the conciliation of both roles and minimize the risk of dropping out of university.