La sentencia del TJUE de 7 de marzo de 2018, C-560/16, E.ON, resuelve una cuestión relativa al alcance del foro de competencia exclusiva previsto en el art. 22.2 del Reglamento 44/2001, interpretando que una demanda que tiene por objeto el control judicial del carácter razonable de la contraprestación que el accionista mayoritario de una sociedad debe abonar a sus accionistas minoritarios en caso de transmisión obligatoria de sus acciones es competencia exclusiva de los tribunales del Estado miembro en cuyo territorio está domiciliada dicha sociedad. El presente artículo discrepa del razonamiento utilizado por el TJUE y propone una solución diferente al conflicto de calificación de la acción objeto del litigio principal.
ECJ Judgment of 7 March 2018, C-560/16, E.ON, clarify the scope of application of Article 22(2) of Council Regulation (EC) No 44/2001. The Court held that Article 22.2 must be interpreted as meaning that an action, such as that at issue in the main proceedings, for review of the reasonableness of the consideration that the principal shareholder of a company is required to pay to the minority shareholders of that company in the event of the compulsory transfer of their shares to that principal shareholder comes within the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Member State in which that company is established. The author of this article disagrees with the reasoning used by the ECJ and proposes a different solution to the characterization of the action in the main proceedings