José Miguel García Asensio
Se efectúa un estudio sistemático tanto de la normativa española como de la derivada del Protocolo de Kyoto, incluido el Acuerdo de París, analizando el tratamiento jurídico de la función ambiental de los montes como sumideros de carbono, especialmente a través de la silvicultura. Ante la problemática que se advierte tras dicho análisis jurídico se propone una solución de lege ferenda configurada como un instrumento económico de mercado, de tal manera que los propietarios forestales puedan verse compensados por la referida función que prestan los montes de su titularidad.
A systematic study is carried out about the Spanish regulations as well as those derived from the Kyoto Protocol, including the Paris Agreement, analyzing the legal treatment of the environmental role of forests as carbon sinks, especially through forestry. In view of the problems that arise after such legal analysis, a lege ferenda solution is proposed that is configured as an economic market instrument, in such a way that the forest owners can be compensated for by the aforementioned function provided by the mountains of their ownership.