Este trabajo analiza la contribución directa del turismo al crecimiento económico mediante una expansión de la metodología propuesta por Ivanov y Webster (2007) utilizando datos de la Cuenta Satélite de Turismo para 2012-2013. Dicha expansión permite desagregar al sector turístico en sus diferentes ramas características y medir la contribución individual que cada una de ellas tiene sobre el crecimiento económico en Colombia. Los resultados evidencian la importancia del sector turístico para la economía colombiana donde las ramas características con mayor dinamismo fueron los servicios de suministro de comidas y bebidas; servicio de transporte terrestre; servicios inmobiliarios y de alquiler de vivienda.
One of the most revised and discussed topics on Tourism Economics are the way in which the tourism industry contributes to both growth and development of the economy of a country. In a seminal work, Ivanov and Webster (2007) came up with a methodology to measure the contribution of tourism to the economic growth that uses per capita GDP growth rate as an economic growth measure disaggregating it in the part generated by the touristic activities and that generated by other industries.
Various authors have used the methodology suggested by Ivanov and Webster applying it to different countries. However, all of the works have considered as “tourism” what can be classified as the representative sector of this activity: hotels and restaurants. Currently, the development of the Tourism Satellite Accounts (TSA) have permitted to have a better accounting of the touristic activities in many countries, which leads to the need of new measures of the contribution that this sector has on economic growth.
This work aims to measure