Tomás Mancha Navarro , Fabio Fernando Moscoso Durán, Juan Luis Santos Bartolomé
El concepto de competitividad es impreciso referido a países y regiones y su medición a escala regional es compleja sin que exista una metodología clara para evaluarla de manera unívoca. En este artículo repasamos las principales experiencias para su medición a escala regional y de acuerdo con el marco teórico planteado elaboramos un índice de competitividad global de periodicidad anual para el periodo 2001-2014 basado en tres entornos clave (capital productivo, capital humano y capital público), que se desagregan en 63 variables. Mediante un análisis factorial se construye un indicador de competitividad mejorado que asigna pesos diferentes a las variables relacionadas con la competitividad.
The concept of competitiveness is increasingly to compare different economies at national and regional levels. It is a concept that firstly was applied at microeconomic level. However, its definition is not clear when it is applied to regions and countries. Therefore, its clarification is imperative in order to measure it at regional level and establish meaningful comparisons.
One of the key approaches to the study of competitiveness is the World Economic Forum. This institution began developing the Global Competitiveness Index in 2004. Their methodology, with an important contribution of Sala i Martin and his team, is centered in identifying the pillars of competitiveness and the key variables in each of the pillar. Their aim is to obtain a more complete picture of the real development of the competitiveness of an economy, disaggregated into a comprehensive set of components that properly quantify this development. This makes it possible to know the situation and the evolution of global competitiveness.