Rodrigo Marques de Almeida Guerra, Márcia Almeida Chiappin, Rodrigo Borges Bertoni, Pelayo Munhoz Olea, Eric Charles Henri Dorion
Bibliometric Studies concepts. There were five stages for the configuration of this article: identification of the keyword, Innovation Process, and selection of the search criteria; selection of articles and listing them according to the number of citations under the search criteria; selection of the ten articles with the highest number of citations; analysis of the selected articles; and discussion about the conclusions. The study makes it possible to identify which are the main published articles on Innovation Process based on the number of citations, length of time and date, countries, areas of knowledge, journals, authors and universities of publication. According to the findings, it seems advisable for developing countries’ scholars to foster further research on Innovation Process, as well as more productions on Bibliometric Research as a whole.