La publicación del Real Decreto 43/2015 introduce la posibilidad de configurar planes de estudios conducentes a la titulación universitaria de Grado entre 180 y 240 créditos. Esta nueva posibilidad, conocida coloquialmente como el “3 + 2”, permite la creación de nuevos grados y posibilita la modificación de la duración de grados y másteres actualmente en vigor.
The publication of RD 43/2015 introduces the possibility of setting curriculum length to the university degree between 180 and 240 credits. This legal change, colloquially known as the "3 + 2" allows the creation of new degrees and the modification of the duration of masters and degrees which are currently in force. This legal change also allows new challenges for universities in developing their right to academic autonomy. This paper analyzes the new threats and opportunities for universities assumed with this new regulation.