Granada, España
El artículo propone un enfoque crítico sobre los procesos de reforma que desde el estallido de la crisis económica han afectado a la Administración europea, para valorar su compatibilidad con los sistemas constitucionales respectivos y los principios básicos de la integración europea. El dogma de la austeridad, aplicado de forma intransigente en muchos Estados miembros, ha debilitado notablemente la Administración pública y el Estado social, poniendo en entredicho logros del constitucionalismo y conquistas sociales que se consideraban ya adquiridas.
This paper represents a critical approach to the processes of reform put in place since the economic crisis that have involved the government and the public sectors within EU member states, for the purpose of assessing their compatibility with their respective constitutional systems and with the key principles of the process of European integration. The dogma of austerity, applied in an intransigent way in many member states, noticeably weakened the public administration and impoverished the welfare State, bringing into question the progresses of constitutionalism and social victories that were considered to have already been acquired.