Madrid, España
Neste traballo estúdase a relación entre a innovación e a posición do Reino Unido no índice de desenvolvemento humano. O contraste do modelo resultou robusto para o caso da economía británica e a súa capacidade de innovación entre 1990 e 2010, así como a súa facultade de predición para a evolución cíclica no período estudado.
This article analyses the relationship between innovation and the positicion of the UK in the Index of Human Development. The deterministic model proposed here, had been demonstrated sound according our analysis capacity, empirical experience and knowledge reached on stylized facts, like economic fluctuations and links between innovation and IDH position. The contrast of the model has proved robust in the case of the British economy and its capacity for innovation between 1990 and 2010 as well as its predictive power to cyclical developments in the period studied.