Madrid, España
Conocer, medir y parametrizar cuánto cuesta la preservación digital permanente ha sido objeto de atención desde los primeros estudios a mediados de los años 90 del siglo XX. Veinte años después continúa sin resolverse y es el objeto del presente trabajo, que se propone analizar los diferentes modelos para el cálculo de los costes y compararlos, para obtener una imagen lo más precisa posible del estado de la cuestión.
Understand, measure and parameterize how much costs the long term digital preservation, has received attention from the first studies in the mid-90s of XX century. How to unravel this question has been the subject of several projects in the last twenty years and, although there has been some progress, we are quite far from reaching a generally accepted model.With this in mind, we analyze the nine empirical models developed so far, and we have try to do so from a dual perspective: characterization and comparison, in order to obtain as finding a picture as clear as possible of the state of the art in the question at the present moment.