A Coruña, España
No resulta fácil encontrar argumentos jurídicos contra el despido libre durante las dos primeras décadas del pasado siglo XX. En los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, aunque sorprenda, sí existen. Uno de ellos es este voto particular del Juez Oliver Wendell HOLMES, Jr., del año 1915, que constituye una buena muestra de su perseverancia, de su clarividencia jurídica y de su sentido de la justicia social.
It is not easy to find legal arguments against termination at will during the two first decades of the past XX th century. But surprisingly, in the United States of North America, there exist them. This dissenting opinion by Justice Oliver Wendell HOLMES, Jr., of the year 1915, is one of them, and constitutes a very good evidence of his perseverance, of his legal clear-sighting and of his sense of social justice.