Las Reglas de Enfrentamiento (ROE) definen las condiciones, intensidad y forma en las que un combatiente está autorizado a usar la fuerza. Conforman el “ámbito del conflicto y la guerra”, el “Campo de Agramante”, de naturaleza operativa, física, psicológica, legal y ética. Analizaremos de algunos aspectos para aprehender parte de su naturaleza, desarrollando una investigación politológica en diversas áreas. Tras abordar su estructura formal, proponemos una aproximación a sus rasgos cibernéticos y algorítmicos, a su funcionamiento como lenguaje. Las concebimos como “máquinas políticas”, concepto postmoderno específico, de acuerdo con el célebre axioma: “el mapa no es el territorio”. Las ROE no han sido aceptadas sin oposición, clasificando nosotros esa tendencia como el “efecto Z”. Concluimos con una visión general de las relaciones entre ROE y daños colaterales y construcción de la realidad mediante el discurso
Rules of Engagement (ROEs) are orders released to military units which define the circumstances, conditions, degree and manner in which a combatant is allowed to use force. ROEs create the “space of conflict and battle” also known as “Agramante´s Camp”, which is operational, physical, mental, legal and ethical in nature. We have focused on an analysis of some of these aspects in order to better comprehend their nature, thus developing a political science research in several areas. Firstly, we have looked into their formal structure, presenting an approach to their cybernetic and algorithmic feature, as well as how they function as a language. We conceive see them as “political machines”, a specific postmodern concept, in line with the famous dictum “the map is not the territory”. ROEs have not been accepted without opposition, a phenomenon we have dubbed the “Z effect”. The article concludes with an overview of the relationship between ROEs and collateral damage and the construction of reality through discourse