El objeto de este trabajo es refl exionar acerca del papel de la sumisión tácita en los litigios relativos a contratos de consumo, seguro e individuales de trabajo, teniendo en cuenta la jurisprudencia del TJ en el asunto Bilas y el art. 26.2.º del Reglamento (UE) núm. 1215/2012 (Reglamento «Bruselas I bis»).
This paper has the aim of analyse the roll and functioning of the new rule conferring jurisdiction by way of entering an appearance before a court of a Member State, in cases of consumer, insurance and individual employment contracts. The paper takes into consideration the developments given by the Judgment of the European Court of Justice in the Bilas case, and especially in the art. 26.2.º of the new Council Regulation (EU) number 1215/2012 (Regulation «Brussels I bis»).