The purpose of the study was to suggest a normative framework for the development of an organization's enterprise (societal role/stakeholder) strategy, indicating its relationship with governance, sustainability, and CSR. The normative framework contains two dimensions: Enterprise strategy is developed within the context of enterprise governance as well as social and environmental sustainability and responsibility, to achieve the organization's strategic non-financial goals (the sustainability dimension). Corporate strategy is developed within the context of corporate governance as well as economic sustainability and responsibility, to achieve strategic financial/economic goals (the business dimension). PR/communication management plays a strategic role in enterprise strategy development but a support role in corporate strategy development. The development of enterprise strategy necessitates a Triple Bottom Line approach to strategic management.
Abbreviations SCM, strategic communication management; PR, public relations/communication management; TBL, Triple Bottom Line; CSR, corporate social responsibility; CSP, corporate social performance; BEE, Black Economic Empowerment; SRI, Social Responsibility Investment Index; JSE, Johannesburg Stock Exchange; SA, South Africa