El estudio aquí presentado se destina a introducir a la comunidad jurídica latinoamericana la importancia del precedente vinculante como forma de tutela del valor constitucional seguridad jurídica. En ese sentido, es a través del precedente que obtiene importancia este valor constitucional pues, al constituirse en derecho fundamental para los ciudadanos, requiere de un medio de protección por estar consagrado en la Constitución, siendo este, el precedente vinculante. Asimismo, son presentados fundamentos para la construcción no sólo de una tutela de la seguridad jurídica, sino, de la confianza del ciudadano respecto a las decisiones del órgano jurisdiccional. Finalmente, el estudio intenta teorizar el apartamiento que existe entre la cosa juzgada y la calidad de estabilidad de las decisiones judiciales, siendo la primera la garantía que tiene el ciudadano de que su caso fue decidido y lo decidido no será variado, mientras que a través de la estabilidad propia del precedente, se contempla el derecho a obtener una decisión respetando la igualdad respecto de casos similares anteriormente decididos.
The study given in this essay aims to introduce to the Latin-American legal community and academia the importance of the judicial precedent as a way to protect the constitutional value of legal certainty. In this respect, it is through the judicial precedent that the constitutional value of legal certainty could obtain the judicial protection because once it is constituted as a fundamental and constitutional right to the whole citizenship, this right claims an adequate protection, and this could be achieved by means of the judicial precedent. Also, not only foundations and basis to the protection of judicial certainty are presented here, but also reasons to theorize that by means of the judicial precedent, it could also be achieved the protection of the trust of the citizenship among the judicial decisions of diverse courts. Finally, this study looks forward to separate two different dimensions. First of all, the res judicata authority appearing in every single final decision of the courts, quality that protects what was decided with the guarantee of immobility through the time, and, in the other hand, the doctrine of the stare decisis which gives to the parties the trust of stability and predictability that guarantees to the them that present decision of any lawsuit respects the past decisions taken by the superior courts, to ensure the equality of treat to the citizens.