María Martín Sánchez
La Constitución Española, en su mandato de igualdad, realiza una prohibición expresa de discriminación en virtud de determinadas causas por recaer sobre ellas una fuerte sospecha de discriminación justificada en fuertes razones históricas de índole social, política, legal e incluso cultural. El devenir social constata que en la actualidad existen nuevas causas equiparables a aquellas, tales como la orientación sexual, rasgo inherente a la persona, tal y como se expresa ya en diversos textos europeos y así como ha afirmado el Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos (TEDH).
The Spanish Constitution, in its article devoted to gender equality, executes the express prohibition of any discrimination based on specific reasons for being these reasons suspicious of a kind of discrimination that can be justified by means of historical facts of social, political, legal or, even, cultural nature. The social development ascertains that nowadays there are a series of reasons comparable to those aforementioned, such as sexual orientation, a characteristic which is inherent in human beings, as it has already been depicted in some European Texts and mentioned by the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR).