n this moment, European Universities are experiencing one of those moments where change is institutionalized and they must face new challenges which are primarily imposing. Like teachers, we will have to assume a change in our perceptions working together to converge at the new universitary concept.
For these reasons, we think change is necessary, but there is to build a new training model in which the students are the principle protagonists of their learning processes and teachers have to define the skills. At the same time, teachers must apply new methodologies, as well as mentoring and monitoring processes in their courses. In order to do this, they could use the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) resources or other new sources which promote learning autonomous student and the development of generic and specific skills.
In this article, we are going to present one of the project parts "Analysis and Study of collaborative experiences supported by E-Learning for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) at the University of Valladolid", which has taken place in 2007-2008. In this case, we have analysed some strength and weaknesses, as well as successes, problems and some possible solutions regarding the ICT use. One of our aims is to improve and facilitate these adaptation processes to the EHEA
n this moment, European Universities are experiencing one of those moments where change is institutionalized and they must face new challenges which are primarily imposing. Like teachers, we will have to assume a change in our perceptions working together to converge at the new universitary concept.
For these reasons, we think change is necessary, but there is to build a new training model in which the students are the principle protagonists of their learning processes and teachers have to define the skills. At the same time, teachers must apply new methodologies, as well as mentoring and monitoring processes in their courses. In order to do this, they could use the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) resources or other new sources which promote learning autonomous student and the development of generic and specific skills.
In this article, we are going to present one of the project parts "Analysis and Study of collaborative experiences supported by E-Learning for the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) at the University of Valladolid", which has taken place in 2007-2008. In this case, we have analysed some strength and weaknesses, as well as successes, problems and some possible solutions regarding the ICT use. One of our aims is to improve and facilitate these adaptation processes to the EHEA