La psicomotricidad ha adquirido un papel relevante por la importancia del uso de la actividad corporal como medio de adquisición de los aprendizajes. Se intenta desarrollar el modo en que se configura la educación psicomotriz en Educación Especial. Se comenzará repasando el concepto de Educación Especial; se continuará exponiendo la importancia de la educación psicomotriz a través del currículo, planteando cómo lo cognitivo, afectivo y motriz están relacionados. Finalizará planteando reflexiones generales sobre el empleo de la psicomotricidad en la escuela, insistiendo en la necesidad de mayor formación que capacite a los maestros para la aplicación de proyectos psicomotores, más aún, si se trata de niños con N.E.E.
Psychomotor skills have acquired a significant rule in Special Education as a result of the importance given to activities associated with the body as a means of learning. This paper aims to give an overview of how psychomotor skills are incorporated into the educational stage. It begins with a review of the concept of Special Education and the n explains the importance of psychomotor skills teaching throughout the curriculum, giving special attention to the close links which exist, according to many commentators, between the cognitive, affective and motor experiences. The paper concludes with some general observations on the use to which psychomotor skills are put in the classroom, underlining the need for increased training in order to better prepare primary teachers for the delivery of psychomotor skills projects, which are of greatest importance in provisioning for children with special needs.