Case C-436/04, Criminal Proceedings against Léopold Henri Van Esbroeck, Judgment of the Court of Justice of 9 March 2006, Second Chamber [2006] ECR I-2333. Case C-150/05, Jean Leon Van Straaten v. Netherlands and Italy, Judgment of the Court de Justice of 28 September 2006, First Chamber [2006] ECR I-2333. Case C-467/04, Criminal proceedings against G. Francesco Gasparini, José Ma L.A. Gasparini, G. Costa Bozzo, Juan de Lucchi Calcagno, Francesco Mario Gasparini, José A. Hormiga Marrero, Sindicatura Quiebra, Judgment of the Court of Justice of 28 de September 2006,: First Chamber [2006] ECR I-9199