El autor parte de la convicción de que, para construir una con- vivencia democrática, debemos ajustar comportamientos y ordenamientos a las exigencias de una laicidad abierta, como la que posibilita y exige una relación libre e igualitaria entre seres y grupos humanos diferentes. Para ello, urge que nos re- planteemos laicamente nuestra forma de pensar y de actuar, tanto individual como colectivamente. Comienza analizando los diferentes contextos en los que se ha llevado a cabo la construcción histórico-ideológica de la laicidad, para así poder comprender su significado y alcance aquí y ahora. Dada la singular relevancia que el cristianismo ha tenido y sigue teniendo en todo lo referido a la secularización y laicidad de nuestras sociedades, se plantea qué significa hoy repensar laicamente la teología y la praxis cristiana y las consecuencias que de ello se derivan, especial- mente para la Iglesia católica..
The author starts his article from the premise that in order to build a democratic coexistence we should regulate behaviours and legal orders to the demand of an open laicism, like the one that require and make possible a free and egalitarian relationship between different human beings and groups. For that reason, we must raise the question again about how do we think and act individual and collectively, from a secular point of view. The writer begins analyzing the different context where it has been developed the historical and ideological approach of the laicism theory, in order to understand its meaning and full implications here and now. Given the singular relevance that Christianism has had and continues to have in everything related to the secularization and the laicism in our societies, the author sets out what does it mean today to re-think Theology and Christian Praxis from a lay point of view and the consequences related to this issue, specially as far as the Catholic Church is concerned.