The State Matters: Management Models of Singaporean Chinese and Korean Business Groups
Yong-Joo Lee, Lai Si Tsui-Auch
págs. 507-534
págs. 535-556
Geoffrey Wood, David Morris, Mustafa Tasliyan
págs. 557-574
To Make Or To Sell? The Case of In-House Outsourcing at Fiat Auto
Giuseppe Bonazzi, Cristiano Antonelli
págs. 575-594
págs. 595-618
págs. 619-632
French Sociology of Work and Labor: From Shop Floor to Labor Markets to Networked Careers
Catherine Paradeise
págs. 633-653
Organizational Stress. A Review and Critique of Theory, Research, and Applications
M. J. Gorgievski-Duijvestezjn
págs. 655-657
págs. 658-661
Antonio Strati: Theory and Method in Organization Studies
Jean-Claude Thoenig
págs. 661-663