Editorial-Arguments for parliamentary authority and reform of the Commission
págs. 761-762
The Convention's Draft Constitutional Treaty: bringing Europe closer to its lawyers?
M. Dougan
págs. 763-793
EU human rights policy and the Convention on the Future of Europe: a failure of design?
A. Williams
págs. 794-813
The constitutional challenge of new governance in the European Union
Graínne De Búrca
págs. 814-839
The constitutionalisation of Community administration
P. Craig
págs. 840-864
The new genetically modified food labelling requirements: finally a lasting solution?
C. MacMaolain
págs. 865-879
The EFTA Court-an example of judicialisation of international economic law
C. Baudenbacher
págs. 880-899
The new form of majoritarianism in the EU
M. P. Maduro
págs. 900-904
Europe's constitutional passion play
N. Walker
págs. 905-908
Using national parliaments to improve scrutiny of the limits of EU action
S. Weatherill
págs. 909-912
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