págs. 1-22
págs. 23-49
M. Flinders
págs. 51-75
Contingent and Non-Contingent Working in Local Government: Contrasting Psychological Contracts
J.A-M. Coyle-Shapiro, I. Kessler
págs. 77-101
The Competent Boundary Spanner
P. Williams
págs. 103-124
K. Holzinger, C. Knill
págs. 125-152
Transforming Administrative Policy
L.R. Wise, P. Laegreid, T. Christensen
págs. 153-178
Executive Succession and the Performance of Public Organizations
J. Dahya, G. Boyne
págs. 179-200
Measuring Innovation - Applying the Literature-Based Innovation Output Indicator to Public Services
R. Rowlands, E. Jeanes, R.M. Walker
págs. 201-214
págs. 215-234