Amartya Sen
págs. 1-24
Incumbent behavior: Vote-seeking, tax-setting, and yardstick competition
Timothy Besley, Anne Case
págs. 25-45
págs. 46-57
On the evolution of altruistic ethical rules for siblings
Theodore C. Bergstrom
págs. 58-81
Cartel quotas under majority rule
Jonathan Cave, Stephen W. Salant
págs. 82-102
Capital mobility in neoclassical models of growth
N. Gregory Mankiw, Robert J. Barro
págs. 103-115
Marvin Goodfriend, Jack McDermott
págs. 116-133
The transition from barter to fiat money
Joseph A. Ritter
págs. 134-149
Optimal contracts for central bankers
Carl E. Walsh
págs. 150-167
Tastes and technology in a two-country model of the business cycle: Explaining international
Linda L. Tesar, Alan C. Stockman
págs. 168-185
págs. 186-200
págs. 201-218
Monetary policy trade-offs and the correlation between nominal interest rates and real output
George R. Moore, Jeffrey C. Fuhrer
págs. 219-239
A natural experiment in `Jeopardy!'
Andrew Metrick
págs. 240-253
Probabilistic voting, campaign contributions and efficiency
Derek Clark, Jonathan Thomas
págs. 254-259
Homegrown values and hypothetical surveys: Is the dichotomous choice approach incentive-compatible?
Ronald G. Cummings, Glenn W. Harrison
págs. 260-266
Privatization and employment: A study of the jute industry in Bangladesh
V. Bhaskar, Mushtaq H. Khan
págs. 267-273
Consumer response to the timing of income: Evidence from a change in tax withholding
Joel Slemrod, Matthew D. Shapiro
págs. 274-283
Testing the rationality of price forecasts: Comment
Richard Cohen, Carl Bonham
págs. 284-289
Testing the rationality of price forecasts: Reply
Michael P. Keane, David E. Runkle
pág. 290