The post-entry performance of firms: Introduction
David B. Audretsch, Jose Mata
págs. 413-419
P.A. Geroski
págs. 421-440
Innovation, growth and survival
David B. Audretsch
págs. 441-457
The survival of new plants: Start-up conditions and post-entry evolution
Paulo Guimarães, Jose Mata, Pedro Portugal
págs. 459-481
Post-entry behavior and the cycle: Evidence from Germany
Tito Boeri, Lutz Bellmann
págs. 483-500
Selection versus evolutionary adaptation: Learning and post-entry performance
John R. Baldwin, Mohammed Rafiquzzaman
págs. 501-522
The role of technology use in the survival and growth of manufacturing plants
Mark Doms, Mark J. Roberts, Timothy Dunne
págs. 523-542
Financial constraints and firm post-entry performance
Paulo Brito, Antonio S. Mello
págs. 543-565
Entry, exit, and shakeouts in the United States in new manufactured products
Steven Klepper, John H. Miller
págs. 567-591
Post-entry expansion in banking: The case of Portugal
Pedro Pita-Barros
págs. 593-611