Levels issues in theory development, data collection, and analysis
Katherine J. Klein, Fred Dansereau
págs. 195-229
Typologies as a unique form of theory building: Toward improved understanding and modeling
William H. Glick, D. Harold Doty
Ha sido reseñado en:
Editors' comments: : styles of theorizing and the social organization of knowledge.
Rick Delbridge, Peer C. Fiss
Academy of management review, ISSN 0363-7425, Vol. 38, Nº 3, 2013, págs. 325-331
págs. 230-249
Toward a unified conception of business ethics: Integrative social contracts theory
Thomas W. Dunfee, Thomas Donaldson
págs. 252-284
The decision to retire early: A review and conceptualization
Daniel C. Feldman
págs. 285-311
Participation's effects on performance and satisfaction: A reconsideration of research evidence
John A. Wagner III
págs. 312-330
Pfeffer's barriers to the advance of organizational science: A rejoinder
Albert A. Cannella Jr., Ramona L. Paetzold
págs. 331-341
Margaret B.W. Graham
págs. 342-345
James R. Meindl
págs. 345-348
Terry Connolly
págs. 348-352
John R. Weeks
págs. 352-356